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Vehicle Search are a leading UK vehicle query service providing over 40 million vehicle records.

We check

  • top banner close buttonMileage
  • top banner close buttonMOT History
  • top banner close buttonDriver
  • top banner close buttonValuation
  • top banner close buttonInsurance
  • top banner close button+10 extra items

Trusted by thousands

Your top car history check destination

Checks from £0.04

Bulk purchase

Fast and accurate

Pay as you go

Data Updates

Using the latest resources to supply the most accurate and up to date information available.

Our data sets are never more than 5 days out of date, which is aligned with the timelines of our providers.

Our API is used by hundreds of businesses across multiple platforms, whether it is mobile applications, web applications, EPOS systems, WordPress, or even Microsoft Excel.

Search Costs

Priced on a pay as you go basis, no contracts or minimum monthly charges.

No expiry date on the credits and automatic account alerts when account credits run low.

Cheaper credits for bulk purchase.

Only successful requests charged.

No contracts, no tie-ons, no fuss. and we’re very open about our costs.

Our Lookups

Vehicle Search Lookup


Driving License Lookup


Vehicle search lookup

How much does it cost?

Usage on a pence-per-request basis. Not only that, as the more credits purchased up front, the more reduced rates you receive per request. We act as a ‘pay-as-you-go’ service so we can offer optimal cost and account flexibility. No contracts, no tie-ons, no fuss and we’re very open about our costs

*VAT will be included at checkout. A VAT invoice will be issued once payment has been processed. Do you have other custom requirements? We offer other services such as bulk processing or registration marks. If so, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


250,001 to 500,000

4pper lookup



50,001 to 250,000

6pper lookup


10,001 to 50,000

8pper lookup


5,001 to 10,000

11pper lookup


2,001 to 5,000

12pper lookup


1,000 to 2,000

14pper lookup

Register today and enjoy the first 100 credits on us!

We are so confident that our service is the best available that we are offering your first 100 credits free of charge to try it out. No catch — simply sign up and start using our API with no requirement to purchase any further credits.